What we are learning



Daily 5: In class we rotate daily through 5 language art centers. 

Read to Self: Students choose a good fit book and read

Read to Friend: Students shoose a partner and a good fit book and read EEKK- Elbow to Elbow, Knee to Knee

Listen to Reading: Students can choose from RAZ kids and my online listening library

Work on Writing: Students participate in writers workshop in small groups.

Word Work: Students must complete their word work worksheets (spelling worksheets) once complete they can work at the spelling centers.


 IPICK: Choosing  a good fit book is an important part of being a good reader. 



Stretching a Sentence!

Who? My cute puppy

Doing What? My cute puppy curls up on the rug.

When? Each night my cute puppy curls up on the rug

Where? Each night my cute puppy curls up on the rug in my bedroom.

Why? Each night my cute puppy curls up on the rug in my bedroom to chew his bone.





Grade 1: Patterns/Numbers

  • Identifies, counts, and writes numbers from 0­-20 in a variety of ways
  • Sort objects according to a sorting rule
  • Demonstrates an understanding of repeating patterns: Describe, reproduce, create and extend
  • Compare sets of numbers to 20 in a variety of ways: equal vs. unequal


Number Sense

  • Recognizes groups of 1­-10 at a glance
  • Identifies numbers up to 20
  • Identifies the number before or after a given number to 20


Adding/Subtracting Strategies:

             Image result for adding zero strategy


Counting On!

Image result for counting on strategy

 Image result for counting back strategy



Grade 1: Building Things (Starting January)

  • Using a variety of materials, compares, constructs and/or replicates objects
  • Select appropriate materials, such as papers, plastics, woods; and design and build objects
  • Build furniture, homes, boats and toys
  • Compare two objects that have been constructed
  • Recognize that products are developed for a specific purpose


Seasons will be a science unit we focus on all year long.

  • Describe the regular and predictable cycle of seasonal changes: changes in sunlight, changes in weather.
  • Identify and describe examples of plant and animal changes that occur on a seasonal basis:changes in form and appearance, changes in location of living things, changes in activity; e.g., students should recognize that many living things go into a dormant period during winter and survive under a blanket of snow as a seed, egg or hibernating animal, production of young on a seasonal basis.
  • Identify human preparations for seasonal change and identify activities that are done on a seasonal basis.
  • Record observable seasonal changes over a period of time.



My World: Home, School, and Community

  • Identify groups you belong to and how do we benefit from belonging to different groups
  • Our rights and responsibilities within different groups
  • Demonstrate problem solving skills
  • What helps us to recognize different groups or communities (e.g., landmarks, symbols, colours, logos, clothing)?
  • In what ways do people cooperate in order to live together peacefully?
  • How do groups make decisions?
  • In what ways do people help one another at home, at school and in groups to ensure the
    vitality of their community?
  • What are some familiar landmarks and places in my community? 
  • Why are these landmarks and places significant features of the community? 
  • What are some differences between rural and urban communities? 
  • Where is my community on a map or on a globe?