Medication & Health

Student Medication

If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours please fill out the online Student Medication form.

Please complete the Medical Emergency Plan  AND linked forms, if applicable, if your child has:

  • severe asthma, anaphylaxis, type 1 diabetes, epilepsy
  • any student who is diagnosed as being at risk of a medical emergency
  • any student who requires the administration of specific health care procedures

Illness Guidelines

The health and safety of staff, students and visitors is a top priority. Continue to reinforce the following hygiene habits to protect staff and students from spreading illnesses.

· Stay home if you’re feeling sick.  Students should be well enough to participate normally in class
· Wash or sanitize your hands often
· Cover your coughs and sneezes
· Avoid touching your face
· Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly
· Wear a mask if you get sick or develop symptoms while at school or work

As per Alberta Health guidelines, staff, students, contractors and visitors who have symptoms of illness should stay home until:

· symptoms have improved
· they feel well enough to resume normal activities
· they have been fever-free for 24 hours without using fever-reducing medications.
· 24 hours have passed since last vomited