Our School

Grades Taught



Woodbridge Farms Elementary serves over 300 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 and provides a respectful, cooperative atmosphere of learning. Woodbridge Farms is a community of lifelong learners. Woodbridge Farms is a school where every student has an opportunity to achieve their goals with a focus on the attitudes and behaviours that will make them successful citizens.


Kerri Williams


Jess Miskiw, Assistant Principal
Christina Ganert, Counsellor
Christy Hinks, Registrar/Business Manager


Be Safe, Show Respect, Work Hard, Finish Strong, Be You!


Our mission is to inspire the citizens of Woodbridge Farms School to create a learning community of support, engagement and respect.


3R's of Woodbridge Farms: When students learn to show Respect and take Responsibility, they achieve optimal Results.


Our Goals

To develop respect for self, others, and their community.

To develop responsibility in students.

To encourage excellence in students' academic achievement - results, for all!

To promote goal setting, flexibility, social skills, teamwork, conflict resolution skills, decision-making, problem solving, independence, and other important life skills.

To nurture acceptance and appreciation of diversity.

To insure that school is a safe place for students to learn and play.

To nurture the development of self-esteem and self-worth.

To actively involve our students in the operation of their school and develop a sense of school pride.

To develop loyalty to the school and nurture individual commitment to contribute positively to its reputation.

Programs and Services

Connections Program
Communication Skills Program
Impact Program

Childcare Services 

Boys and Girls Club of Strathcona County
School Coordinator: 780-467-0877
Boys and Girls Club: 780-416-1500